This is a Venn Diagram that shows the differences between what we wear today and what the Pilgrims and Native American's wore in the 1920's.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
The First Thanksgiving.
This is a Google Drawing that explain what the first thanksgiving is. They are in questions and we have to answer them.
Faitele & Jacob - Thanksgiving
This is a follow up task that I did on Thanksgiving. We had questions to answer the questions by the story.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Faitele - Armistice Poster
Today we created a Armistice poster. We did this because today was the day when the world war 1 finished on 1918.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Venn Diagram - Around the World Rooms
This is a Venn Diagram that we had to do on our Rooms at home, we had to compare it to another room Around the world on the Where Children Sleep Site. I compared my room to a 11 year old Duck hunter with a lot of guns.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Faitele - 8 Phases of the Moon Presentation
This term we learned about Space and room 9 focused on the 8 phases of the moon. We had to work collaboratively and make a presentation to share to a class, we shared it to room 1. We made the easy and simple
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Faitele-Day/Night Explanation
Day/Night Explanation
you know the stars stay where they are but they are not visible. They
still glow but you can’t see it, this is because the glare of sunlight.
You can see it at night because it is dark and light is needed so the
stars are there.
can't see the stars because during the daytime the blue color from the
sunlight gets scattered around the earth. The blue light is brighter
than the light we get from stars so it keeps it from seeing them.
say our closest star but yet it is 1,392,684 km away. The sun is the
only star in our solar system. The earth orbits the sun to give us heat
and light. Have you ever wondered what the sun is? Well the sun is like
a fiery ball of gas that is continually boiling.
Did you know stars are made of Hydrogen and Helium. Hydrogen is the lightest gas/element. Once the hydrogen and helium mix they explode then it makes a star .
The main message in my explanation was to remember where stars go during the day and important and interesting information.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Solar System paragraphs
Faitele, Joshua, Efaraima, Evan & Robbie Solar System paragraphs
sun orbits the earth and it’s the only star in our solar system. Stars
are like a ball of gas held by its own gravity. A space probe is a piece
of technology that explores and collects information from our planets.
There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all beaches.
The earths atmosphere is made up of several layers. Space exploration is
an ongoing discovery and exploration of structures in space. Many solar
systems together form a galaxy. Every planet rotates on its own axis
having differents lengths of day and year. Constellations have been an
important part of human society.
Friday, 26 September 2014
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Why People migrate to NZ?
This is a Google drawing that shows why people came to NZ, we had to back it up with information and also a website
Sentence Punctuation Challenge
This is a Punctuation challenge, we had to fill in the mistakes with punctuation, fullstops and commas.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Faitele-Migration Sentence
Why do people Migrate to New Zealand?
According to the websites information, it stated that people migrated to New Zealand to get a better life, better job opportunities, more peaceful and better education for their children. Also because they have good environment this provides proof from the website below
Our task was to explain in our own words why people migrate to New Zealand. The skill we were practising was to find evidence/information to support our thinking.
This is a punctuation activate that I did online, I cleared all the cards which means it got all of them right.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Blog Commenting
We had to comment from someone from another class in our school, someone in our class and someone from another school
Monday, 1 September 2014
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Tense 1 - Level 1
Tense 1 - Level 1
L.I. To identify verbs
To identify the tense in a piece of text
He said nothing in defence of himself. How could he? Everything his aunt said was true. He was ridiculously small. His ears were obscenely large. He had been born with his eyes open. He was sickly. He coughed and sneezed so often that he carried a handkerchief in one paw at all times. He ran temperatures. He fainted at loud noises. Most alarming of all, he showed no interest in the things a mouse should show interest in.
All of the bold words are verbs list them below.
- Said✓
- Could✓
- Was✓
- Were✓
- Should✓
- Show✓
- Fainted✓
- Ran✓
- coughed✓
- Sneezed✓
- Carried✓
- Had✓
All of these words are in past tense, change them to present tense
- Said-Say✓
- Could-Can✓
- Were-Are
- Was-Is✓
- Should Show-Shall Show✓
- Showed-Show✓
- Fainted-Faint✓
- Ran-Run✓
- Coughed-Cough✓
- Sneezed-Sneeze✓
- Carried-Carry✓
- Had-Has✓
Choose 5 of the present tense words and put them into a sentences
There was a boy named flash and he CAN RUN really fast. He was the fastest in his class.He wanted to CARRY this elephant to safety because it WAS about a tone. He HAS an incredible amount of speed.
What is Culture-Faitele
I thought culture was language, heritage and religion.We did research and found out what it really means my definition was, culture is a language that people speak, it is their heritage, religion and language. There are many differences in culture for e.g there are different sort of foods, clothes, weddings and churches. It is good that we have different cultures in different places.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Faitele-Historical Recount: Voyaging Waka
Have you ever wondered how people migrated back in the day? One thousand years ago in Hawaiki, there lived a captain he said to 12 of the villagers:
“We are leaving because there was not enough space in the Hawaiki.”
My responsibilities were to make a boat, also I had to gather food and build a shelter on the boat to keep safe when there is danger. I needed to take a Tahuna, cook, family and friends also some animals so if our food run’s out and there are no more fish we can cook and eat them. I had learned my skills from my koro. I will miss my friends because I will probably never see them again and I will not have the chance to play and have fun. We would fear the big waves because it is bigger than the boat. But I am looking forward to the new land and its nature.
-Faitele & Oh S’ mar
As i'm on the boat I feel excited, but then a few days later I feel bored just steering the wheel of the boat and looking at the deep blue sea. My family, friends and also the tahuna were all bored as well. As our journey carried on we started to feel hungry. I could hear birds so I knew there were fish nearby, we catched fish and cooked it it was very nice. By keeping the food fresh we store it under the boat where the water is, so it’s nice and cold.
After a few days, my family and I, the Tahuna and the cook were feeling bored. Later on it became, night and waves came crashing toward the boat and I had to steer the boat very skillfully so that the boat does not flip over. But then one enormous wave came and overflowed the boat with water but luckily the boat didn't sink. While the big wave hit their boat the pig fell out of the boat. The waka smelled very revolting and I could see the birds and the sun rising.
- Ohsmar and Faitele
When I was a teenager, my father showed me the skills to be a captain by songs. Alot of the boat rides I’ve taken people on, they always thanked me after I take them to their destination. I feel happy that people depend on me and be so polite to me.
It was the 15th day and we spotted land. I was so excited when I saw rocks, seagulls, I could smell land and light blue water because that means there is land near by. It was foggy so the people could not see but I was in front of the boat and I saw land.
I will be honest, It was scared when the waves were big and heading straight for us. I learnt that I should be more careful of what time of the year I go because it could cost me my life if I go in winter.
-Faitele, Oh S’mar, Tamim.
Faitele-Museum Trip poster
After the Museum trip room 9 had to do a revision on what they learned, we had to put our information down on Google Draw I learned a lot of new thing at the Museum.
Monday, 18 August 2014
Faitele-Space Jump
Storyline Show
Today storyline show came to Panmure Bridge and presented us a show called Space Jump, the presenters were Tye and Naomi. it was about an alien from outer space and she came to collect fact from books, but she had a problem she couldn't read. Then the other actor helped her out he just said to imagine, so other people from the audience helped her to imagine. At the end of the show we all took a photo with Tye and Naomi and came back to class.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Monday, 28 July 2014
Explanation-Why is Facebook so poular
Why is
acebook so popular
Are you aware how many people log onto Facebook every day? Research has shown that over 1.5 billion people log on to Facebook every day. Alot of people use Facebook because it is a social networking site.✓
People use this site so they can communicate with people every day around the world, they also use it to look at other peoples posts for e.g (photos,videos).
Facebook is important for some people because they can chat to their friends and family. Other people use this for many reasons like playing games because you can challenge your friends and try to beat their scores.
It is also good because we share what’s happening in our life or important information. Facebook makes people feel like they’re apart of an expansive exciting world.
Did you know that 20 million people a day create a Facebook page. That number has increased over the years since. Facebook is a very popular social networking site that will be around for a long, long time
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Building New Zealand-Faitele, Jacob, Evan & Puke
Building New Zealand:
- Respect
- Tolerant
- migration
- multicultural
- ideas
- culture
- adapt
- change
- society
- beliefs
- population
- diverse
- harmony
New Zealand is a multicultural society. Our population keeps on growing because of migration. We live in harmony with each other and show respect to all cultures. People move to NZ and come with great ideas (e.g food) Everyone in NZ has many different beliefs. We are tolerant towards each other. NZ is diverse in cultures and has changed in culture over time. New Zealanders are able to adapt to anything.
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Holiday Reading- New Cover
Title- Captain Underpants and the terrifying return of Tippy-Tinkly-Trousers
Author- Dav Pilkey
Type of book- Comic/Fiction
My cover is better because its got a good phrase (Reading Gives You Superpowers!), its got more color and it looks better the the original version
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Holiday Reading Activitie
Title-Naruto Vol 35
Author-Masashi Kishimoto
Type of book-Comic/Fiction
Recommend- I would recommend this book to Ohs'mar first because he likes Naruto, second he likes comics and third he likes fiction books, stories that are made up.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Maori Gods-Faitele
This is my Prezi about the Maori gods, it is very important that you know these gods.
What is Matariki Poster
This is my poster about Matariki. It shows facts and pictures. We did it because it is nearly coming to Matariki New Year.
Today I completed all of My transum addition. I completed Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, It was very hard but at the end I was awarded with 5 trophy.
Monday, 30 June 2014
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Venn Diagram-Faitele
This is my Venn Diagram that I did today It show the difference between Diwali New Year and Matariki, In the middle it has the same.
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
My Samoan Siapo Pattern
Samoan Siapo Pattern
This is my siapo pattern that I did. We had to do it because we had to show respect to Samoan Language week.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Tuakana Teina With Rm 1
Tuakana Teina With Rm 1
This is me and my partner Juel at Room 9 doing Tuakana Teina . First we read a book called smoky and then played learning games and we work together.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Venn diagram
This is my Venn diagram I did today it shows the things that Burglar and a Real Estate Agent will take or steal from a housef
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